A Fishbourne Pre-School Day looks like this…
When we come to Pre-School, we take off our coats, hang it on a peg and find our own name to self register. We have a welcome time when we all say 'good morning to all our friends'. Each day we practice our Makaton, learn a colour of the week and an sound/letter of the week, which we link to interesting facts on a chosen animal with the same sound. We then choose what activity we want to start with. Some are planned activities, we are encouraged to think and choose for ourselves and to self initiate games and activities. There are always new and fun things to do. There is often painting, play dough, puzzles and all sorts of self choosing toys to play with. We can do writing, (mark making), drawing, creative dressing up or look at a book. We like to go in the garden and play in the sand pit, on the bikes and in the playhouse.
We have snack time with fruit and vegetable, breadsticks (These are brought in by our mums and dads for us all to share) and a drink of milk or water. Before the end of the session we have a group time which maybe a story, musical instruments, singing rhymes or sharing news. We then get ready to go home; or get ready for our lunch.
If we stay for lunch, we bring in our lunch from home. We wash our hands, sit at a table and have our lunch together with our friends. We like to chat as we eat and a grown up is always there to help us if we need it.
After lunch we follow our oral health programme and we clean our teeth. We then get ready to go home or get ready for our afternoon session.
Fishbourne Pre-School aims to provide a happy,
friendly, nurturing and stimulating environment
where children can achieve their best.